Employees of HPP “Djerdap 1” announced one more difficult montage procedure in the structure of our HPP revitalization project. They successfully finished montage of turbine shaft after long preparations and successful montage of direction device in the evening time.
This vital part of turbine’s equipment A-4 is 9 meters long, has the 1.600 mm long diameter and it is 95 tons heavy. It was set in its place with crane with 400 tons of transport capacity. Shaft was connected to working circle of turbine what made turbine equipment montage of new revitalized block A-4 launch the finishing phase.
This is going as it was planned. March is the most important month in realization of this complicated and demanding project, according to the words of Ljubisa Jokic, Director of the first Danube’s HPP. Therefore, montage has two or three shifts and planned dynamic is protected this way in order to launch work of new A-4 before the end of two years’ guaranty of new A-6 which lasts until June i.e. 16 May, when HPP “Djerdap 1” will mark 41 year of work.
Source EPS