The average price of electricity on day-ahead market of the Romanian energy exchange OPCOM amounted to 142.51 euros/MWh in February 2023, which is 24.4 % lower…
The average weighted price on the Romanian day-ahead electricity market in February 2023 was 691 levs (about 140 euros) per MWh, according to data from the…
Spot electricity prices in the region for delivery on Wednesday March 23 fell slightly compared to the previous day and ranged from €147 per MWh to €163…
Day-ahead prices in Southeast Europe, for delivery on Tuesday, February 14, were reduced by about 5 percent compared to the previous day, while in Central Europe…
The average price of electricity for base load on the Hungarian day-ahead market in January 2022 decreased by 43 percent compared to the previous month, to…
Hydropower production in the Western Balkan countries increased in the second week of January, after a decline recorded in the first week of this year, local…
The total volume of trade on the Croatian electricity exchange in December 2022 was 806,680 MWh, the operator of the CROPEX exchange announced. Of that, 696,184…
The average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange (IBEX) reached BGN 720.29 (€368.3) per MWh, excluding VAT, for delivery…