The deepest drilling they have ever drilled is on 1.630 m at the moment. Basin geologists have discovered the biggest mineralization without sterile layers over 850 m. –Other two drillings with over 1.000 m are going through mineral (the first one 270 m and another 227 m) so we can talk about several hundred million tons of forecasting reserves with 0,25% of copper. –Final research on Kriveljski kamen indicate reserves with 80 million tons the most with 0,26% of copper- Increased contents of gold in Plunburija in Majdanpek.
New mineralization i.e. periphery of a new site is drilled in the valley of Ulja River (foothill of Kraljevski kamen) with three new drillings (two are finished, the third is being worked on) in continuation of research on Kriveljski kamen location. According to the words of Trajce Toncic, the Director of Geology Sector of Coal Mine Bor, all three drillings are positive.
-These drillings are deep over a km and mineral is placed 500 to 600 m below the surface- Toncic says. –The last of them is on 1.630 m at the moment and it is the deepest drilling in the history of RTB (one on 1.630 m near “Borska reka” was drilled in the 80s). This drilling will have the biggest mineralized interval of over 850 m with tendency to exceed 1.000 m) without sterile layers and with copper content of 0,24%. Mineral interval is 270 m in the first of previous two drillings (and mineral content is 0,17%) and 227 m in the second (0,26% of copper content). But, this drilling indicates that site is “climbing” toward surface and the next drilling will show its contours and sizes. We can talk about forecasting reserves of around 300 million tons with 0,25% copper on the base of the first three drillings.
Toncic reminds that research on Kriveljki kamen are in the finishing phase. 47 research drillings were drilled there i.e. 21.000 m. According to previous observe of forecasting reserve- that will be certified by New Year most probably- they amount 75 million tons. 5 more million tons remained to be additionally researched what means that maximal reserves are around 80 million tons with average 0,26% copper content. 50 of 60 million tons of mineral will have average content of 0,28 to 0,30% of copper and the rest below 0,25%. Three to four more drillings should be done i.e. 1.500m approximately. We can’t do that because drillers are in Majdanpek. The area between north and south basin is researched at once and two drillings are placed on Coka Marin.
“Mustang”- drilling machine has also drilled a new zone between north and south basin. This zone has not been researched before i.e. there were no technical conditions for drillings of curve drills. Two such drills are done, one with 228 m long and the second 280 m long and both of them are positive. Hill Plunbrija (right from Andezitki prst) right behind a bridge on regional Majdanpek road is being drilled- Kucevo, so these reserved will surely increase. –Drillings are in minerals with the whole dept and the most important thing is that we have increased gold content- Toncic is satisfied. –Gold is appearing in 60 m interval with content of three grams per ton in one drilling and there are 5 g of silver per ton. There is a zone of 15 m with even 14 g of gold and 7 g in only 80 m from the road way of silver per ton in this interval so we are expecting results of drillings we are planning toward north impatiently.
Approval issuance from the competent ministry for new research field near Knjazevac is in its finishing phase. This is a research area Minicevo- Novo Korito of 100 square km. We are waiting on concession from Department for Family Protection of Serbia and everything else is issued, project and documentation are made and when we get this approval, it shall be sent to the Ministry of Resources. –We will get approval for launching of research in the new field by the end of July and we expect positive results in the following three years. This space is very poorly researched but terrain positions, analysis of clips and various expert data are predicting that significant sites of lead, copper, zinc, gold and there are some chances for coal sites discoveries in one zone- Toncic says.
Source; RTB/Serbia Energy Mining Desk