The average weighted price on the Romanian day-ahead electricity market in February 2023 was 691 levs (about 140 euros) per MWh, according to data from the…
Spot electricity prices in the region for delivery on Wednesday March 23 fell slightly compared to the previous day and ranged from €147 per MWh to €163…
The spot prices of electricity in the region, for delivery on Monday, February 20, rose moderately, after a significant drop over the weekend to 108 euros…
In the period from January 30 to February 5, 2023, electricity prices fell significantly compared to the previous week in all European markets, due to the…
The Romanian spot price of electricity fell significantly in the first month of 2023, as a result of high hydropower production and a drop in consumption.…
Average electricity spot prices for delivery on Thursday, February 2, were fairly even, hovering around 152-153 euros in all countries of the region, except Greece, where…
Day-ahead electricity prices for delivery on Wednesday, January 25, fell moderately in most countries of the region. They ranged from 159.4 euros per MWh in Bulgaria…